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Your periods can be extremely uncomfortable if you don’t avoid these 10 things

Certain things should be avoided when you're on your period since they can aggravate your discomfort.

periods mistakes

Having a period is like being on a rollercoaster! You have to deal with severe bloating, persistent cramps, and significant mood changes when Aunt Flo pays you a visit. All of these things can be inconvenient, but let's face it, periods are a natural part of life. Their existence suggests that they are in good health!

However, there are a few things you should avoid doing to make those last few days of the month a bit easier to stomach. Periods can be painful and inconvenient, but you can take efforts to alleviate the symptoms.

The following are ten things you should not do during your period:

1. Giving in to salt cravings

When you're menstruating, foods with a high salt content are bad for you since they can make your cramps worse. It can also produce extreme bloating, which adds to the discomfort.

2. Drinking a lot of coffee

When you're menstruating, this is one of the worst things you can do! Caffeine might aggravate your discomfort while also contributing to breast soreness. You may crave caffeine, but you will need to cut back on your coffee consumption.

3. Using a douche

Douching to clean yourself up there might be really dangerous. By interfering with the vaginal natural barriers against bacteria, it can cause a variety of health problems, including infections and an increased risk of contracting STDs.

4. Wearing the same sanitary product all day long

Wearing the same product for more than 4 to 6 hours, whether it's a sanitary pad or a tampon, will prove to be a breeding ground for germs and contribute to the formation of foul odour. Furthermore, doing so can result in skin rashes and TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

5. Waxing or shaving

When you're on your period, don't remove your hair. The area is sensitive, and the wax strips' pull can irritate it, adding to your agony. Due to the flow of your menstruation, shaving can be a very messy business. If you get a cut from shaving, it's possible that you'll get an infection. So, schedule it after a week after your period to avoid pain and discomfort.

6. Having unprotected sex

First and foremost, having sex while menstruating is perfectly natural, but having sex without protection during periods is not! You should avoid taking the risk if you aren't ready to start a family just yet. Protected sex is also a strategy to avoid contracting STDs. Whether you have a period or not, always practice safe sex to avoid illnesses and STDs.

periods mistakes

7. Smoking

We all know smoking is dangerous for our health but women who smoke during their period are more likely to experience severe pain. So, it’s better to kick the butt.

8. Going to bed without a pad

You might think sleeping without a pad can be comforting but it is a bad idea! If you’re worried about the rashes and discomfort it might cause, you can switch to another brand or start wearing a menstrual cup but don’t go to bed without wearing a sanitary product to handle the fl

9. Going for a breast exam

When you’re menstruating, your hormone level fluctuations can make it difficult to detect abnormalities in your breasts. Hence, it is best to avoid a breast exam in the middle of your periods.

10. Skipping meals and eating junk food

Skipping meals during your periods isn’t a good idea because it can severely affect your energy levels, making you feel lethargic and irritable. This, however, doesn’t mean you replace actual meals with junk food. Junk food contains high amounts of salt and sugar, contributing to issues like bloating and discomfort.

Ladies, these small steps can ensure you don’t end up adding to your discomfort during your periods!


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